Pixar Easter Eggs


Pixar Easter Eggs Volume 1

Common Occurrences


Hello and welcome to my Pixar Easter Egg blog, this is the first volume of three that will be coming to you this week. In this blog post I am going to be focusing on A113, the Luxo Ball, the Pizza Planet Truck and John Ratzenberger. Let’s start with…



A113 is the number of a classroom at the California Institute of the Arts. The classroom itself is used to teach character animation. Past pupils who attended the college include Tim Burton, John Lasseter, Glen Keane, Brad Bird and Andrew Stanton. The reason why this is important to Pixar is because within every Pixar film accept Monsters Inc and Monsters University, there is this number and I am going to show you where you find them so when you watch the films you will be able to find it.

In all three Toy Story films you can spot A113 on Ms. Davis’ minivans license plate.

In Toy Story 2 when the Toys are in the airport there is an announcement for “Lasset Air Flight A113”. This is also a reference to the director of the film John Lasseter.

In A Bugs Life it can be found on the side of a box in the bug city.



In Finding Nemo A113 is the model code on the camera the scuba diver uses which stuns Marlin.


In the Incredibles the code is a little trickier to find. Mr. Incredible is held on level A1 in cell 13.

In Cars A113 can be found on Mater’s license, Dexter Hoover’s licence and on the railway train that almost crashes into Lightning McQueen.

cars a113.PNG

In Ratatouille, the rat Git has a tag and on that tag the label reads A113. Also in Ratatouille A113 is on a train behind the loved up couple on the TV that Linguini is watching.

a113 ratatouille

In Wall-E A113 is the code for AUTO’s “directive”.

a113 walle

In UP A113 is on the sign outside the court room.

a113 up

In Brave you need to test your knowledge of Roman numerals as A113 is written as ACX111 above the exit of the witches shop.

In Inside Out A113 is written in graffiti on the streets of San Francisco, it is also the number of Riley’s classroom.

a113 inside out

In The Good Dinosaur A113 is formed in the wooden fence that keeps the Kluckers in.


In Finding Dory the tags of Fluke and Rudder are A1 and 13. A113 can also be found on the license plate of the truck which transports all of the quarantined fish.

In Coco the number of the office door of the “Bureau of Family grievances” in the land of the Dead’s Grand Central Station.


Luxo Ball

Another common occurrence in the Pixar films is the Luxo ball which made its first appearance in Luxo Jr which was the first short film for Pixar. It debuted in 1986 at SIGGRAPH at a conference in Dallas. Since that first appearance the Luxo ball has appeared in many Pixar films, even in some of the Pixar shorts.

luxo ball inside out


Pizza Planet Truck and Toy Aeroplane

Similarly with the Luxo ball, the pizza planet truck and the toy aeroplane appears regularly throughout the films and they both made their debut in Toy Story.

John Ratzenberger

John Ratzenberger is Pixar’s good luck charm which is why he has voiced a character in every single Pixar film.

In Toy Story, Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3 he voices Hamm


In A Bugs Life he voices P.T. Flea. This character is reportedly his favourite of all that he has voiced.


In Monsters Inc and Monsters University he voices the Yeti.


In Finding Nemo he voices the Moonfish.

john finding nemo

In The Incredibles he voices the Underminer.

the underminer

In Cars, Cars 2 and Cars 3 he voices the Mack.

cars john

In Ratatouille he voices Mustafa.

john ratatouille

In Wall-E he voices John.

john walle

In Up he voices construction worker Tom.

john up

In Brave he voices Gordon.

john brave

In Inside Out he voices Fritz.


In The Good Dinosaur he voices Earl.

john the good dinosaur

In Finding Dory he voices Bill.

In Coco he voices Juan Ortodonica.


I really hoped you learned seeing all of the common occurrences in the Pixar films. Next time you watch a Pixar film you can see if you can spot them.

Come back on Wednesday  25th for another Pixar Easter eggs blog.