Pixar Easter Eggs 2

Pixar Easter Eggs Volume 2

The Theories


In this blog post I am going to be continuing on from Mondays blog post all about Pixar Easter eggs. In this blog we will be looking at some of the hidden Easter eggs in Pixar films that have sparked fan theories. Let’s start with…


Darla: You first meet Darla in Finding Nemo. Darla is the niece of P.Sherman and within this film we learn that she wears braces and is also a fish murderer.

The next time we see Darla is in 2010 in Toy Story 3 on the cover of “Tween Zinc” magazine that Molly (Andy’s sister) is reading.darla tween zinc

The next, and currently the last time she has been seen in the Pixar universe is in 2016 in Finding Dory. The picture of Darla holding the dead fishy can be seen in the background on the wall of the science lab where Dory is being held when she is talking to Hank.

These three sightings of Darla have created several theories. My most favourite theory is that Darla is a pop star and that is why she is on the front cover of the magazine and also the reason why she wears a “Rock n Roll Girl” jumper in Finding Nemo.

The reason why the picture of Darla turns up in the Marine Life Institute is that P. Sherman travels there to discuss with the workers, the strange activity of his fish that mysteriously disappeared.


Emma Jean: There is a postcard in UP from someone called Emma Jean that reads “We are having a swell time! Wishing you were here!” An answer has been given as to who she is by Pete Docter the director of Up. He said that Emma Jean was a love interest for Carl before he settled down with Ellie. Emma grew very close to Ellie and they often went on shopping trips together.

One thing to be aware of is that many people have also been stating that the postcard turns up in Toy Story 3 on Andy’s bulletin board, there is a rather convincing picture of Google images showing this postcard, however after combing though the film the postcard isn’t anywhere to be seen. I don’t have an answer as to where the online photo came from, maybe it’s only on certain releases of the film or maybe it’s fake. Please let me know in the comments below on your thoughts about this.

emma jean


Andy’s Mum: In Toy Story we see that Andy is obsessed with Woody and being a cowboy even dressing up in a cowboy themed clothing and importantly a cowboy hat, but if you look closely at that hat it isn’t a perfect copy of Woody’s . It isn’t until you watch Toy Story 2 and you meet Emily, the original owner of Jessie that it makes sense. The hat that Emily wears, is modelled after Jessie’s hat and it is the same hat that Andy wears meaning Emily, is Andy’s mum. She never gave away her cowgirl hat, she passed it down to her son.

In Jessie’s flashback you can see that it has a white ribbon, this ribbon after years of storage and then Andy using it has dirtied it.

andy's mums hatandys hat

Dinoco: There is no theory that goes along with this Easter egg, it is just a tiny added gesture which helps to further tie the films together.

Dinoco is an oil company and gas station. It can be found in the Toy Story and Cars franchises and on a lighter in Wall-E and it is always seen with a different logo. For example in Toy Story the logo is an Apatosaurus, whereas in Cars it is a T-Rex.

Although this isn’t confirmed some people believe that Dinoco was based on the Sinclair Oil Corporation because they also feature an Apatosaurus in its logo. Furthermore Sunoco which is a chain of gas stations is the private fuel for NASCAR which is what Piston Cup is based on in the Car universe.


Buy N Large: This fictional company found in Wall-E, is the company that has caused all of earth’s human inhabitants to desert the planet that creations like Wall-E have to clean up. The company started back on July 25th 2007 as a seller of frozen yogurt. From there the business , which was then called “Buy Yogurt” bought the business “Large Industries” which sold men’s suits.

By 2057 Buy N Large was a leader in EVERYTHING, however it took until 2105 to become world leaders. Your probably wondering where I learnt all of this. Well for a short time as a marketing ploy Pixar bought the domain Buy n Large and they created a website detailing the history of company. Sadly this website doesn’t exist anymore but it was nice while it lasted.


I hope you enjoyed learning some of the Pixar theories, come back on Friday 27th for the next instalment of Pixar Easter eggs.